Sekolah Menengah Islam Seremban (SMI Seremban)
Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
- Collection Goal
Collection Raised
To fund the relocation and construction of Sekolah Menengah Islam (SMI) Seremban (School) to a waqf gazetted land located at Lot 29470 & Lot 3649 Kg Panchor, Mukim Ampangan, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. The existing building is unable to fit all students hence there is an urgent need to have a bigger facility due to the increasing number of new students’ enrollment.
For information, the School is a private school under Yayasan Takmir-Pendidikan which is registered under the Ministry of Education and Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Negeri Sembilan. The School offers integrated academic, religious and tahfiz syllabus to the students. Established in 1989, it began its operation with 27 students and only 2 teachers. At present, there are a total number 1,240 students including preschool, primary and secondary students.
The project is expected to benefit around 200-300 secondary students.
Breakdown Cost
No | Item | Cost (RM) |
1 | Deposit | 452,548.00 |
2 | Building | 6,478,000.00 |
3 | Internal Services | 2,048,904.00 |
4 | External Services (Infra M & E) | 801,648.00 |
5 | Infrastructure | 5,344,316.40 |
6 | Lab Equipment | 409,812.00 |
7 | Contribution fee to local & utility authority | 466,057.00 |
8 | Others | 46,000.00 |
9 | Contingencies | 310,705.00 |
10 | Supervision & professional fee | 1,646,735.00 |
Total | 18,004,725.40 |
Kick off Date
13 November 2019
JMC Members
Dato� Dr. Abdul Aziz Sheikh Abdul Kadir - Chairman Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan
Committee Members:
1. Dato� Haji Norazmi Bin Haji Musa � Deputy Secretary (Operation), MAINS
2. Tuan Norazman Bin Amat � Director, Wakaf & Mal Department, MAINS
3. Tuan Alimazri Bin Mauludin � Head Assistant Director, Wakaf & Mal Department, MAINS
4. En Muhamad Radzuan Bin Ab Rahman � Head Banking Operation, Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad
5. Dr. Mohd Izuwan Bin Mahyudin � Head Shariah Department, Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad
6. En Mohd Zamri Bin Pardi � Regional Manager (Southern), Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad
“Each donation will get a 10% tax exemption”